Throughout the year the Global Scholars Cohort has discussed a variety of global issues and topics. We meet on a consistent basis and share information, along with debriefing and dissecting events which we have attended and gained insight from. However, all of this is done with the same group of people. While this surely has benefits one area which had been missing from this program is significant avenues to discuss with other members of the community. Flintridge Prep's Border's class provided an opportunity to do just that. This semester-long class held a panel discussion which I attended and received a great range of information from. Whether this was discussing cultural clashes or economic comparisons this class's presentation of the information they have been studying was outstanding. Even more amazing however was the fact that this event took place, and from talking to people who were there seems like only the beginning. Albeit short, following the presentation, I had a chance to interact with some of the students and faculty. With the students, I was able to exchange ideas and thought, while with the adults I was able to get a sense and reflect on the program as a whole. Both parties foresaw this trend of getting nearby schools and communities to participate in these events growing incredibly over the years. It is this idea that I found most inspiring. Being a part of this program means you want to make some sort of lasting change, and cleary this class took the right first steps, and hopefully set a good precedent for next years class to follow.
November 11, 2018 was the 100th year anniversary to the end of WWI, also known as Armistice Day. During this day an array of Global Leaders, Citizens, and Presidents gathered to honor those who had fallen during this war, as well as celebrate its end. The leaders stood shoulder to shoulder, hand in hand, and walked together in order to show a sense of unity between these nations. Yet, our President was nowhere to be seen. He along with the President of Russia both missed this show of unity. Something which is concerning especially with the President's recent comments about nationalism. This leads to the meetings second agenda which was to remind the Nations of the importance of working together to prevent such a devastating tragedy from re-occurring. The President of France specifically addressed this by making remarks, some of which were directed at President Trump's comments regarding his favoritism towards Nationalism. Nationalism is too often seen ...
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