Easter Sunday in Sri Lanka 253 people were killed and over 400 injured as a result of a targeted attack primarily against Christians and tourists. These bombings occurred in several Churches and hotels throughout the island. On a day when people were praising and praying others sought to create violence and chaos. Hearing this was incredibly troubling to me. As I sat in an Easter Service of my own I thought about those who were doing the same thing but at the wrong time and place. It caused sadness within me but also caused me to be grateful for where I am. I realized how often things like this happen across the world and even in this nation, albeit not on the same scale, yet I am fortunate enough to live in a place where I don't worry about such things. This, however, does not give me an excuse not to care. It is because of this that I originally sought out the GIP program. To prevent myself from falling in a cycle of apathy or an emotional catharsis for special news stories. During my time in this program, I have achieved what I set out to do, which is expanding the way I think about the world and putting systems in place to help me stay connected to the entirety of the world around me. So that events like the one which occurred on Easter Sunday is not the only thing I know about Sri Lanka, or the world around me.
Earlier this week I had the pleasure of attending Aaron Fyke's presentation on Global Warming and Sustainability. This presentation was just as educating as it was enjoyable. He was an incredibly animated speaker that kept the audience engaged. He was also able to transform the heavy environment into a lighthearted one with clever jokes throughout the night. However, the most important aspect of that night was the content. As someone who knew a fair amount about the issues and mechanics of Global Warming already, I was happy to have learned more about the issue at hand. I was also received more clarity on how the issue worked and can now explain the importance of this issue using sheer logic. Although this presentation allowed me to become better informed it also opened my eyes to what nations and companies across the globe were already doing to combat it, all of which was new information. It was exciting to see the stats about the reduction of coal use, incr...
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