Earlier this year I was able to take out time from my normal after school routine and attend Sophie Schleifer's capstone project, "Global Lenses.". Granted this happened a few months ago it has been in the back of my mind recently because it reminds me of what this program is all about. In a nutshell, what she had done was connected with students from around the world and received pictures from them which to some degree "depicted" aspects of their life. She then mapped them out and posted a short biography under each picture. While I personally enjoyed the cheese and crackers, that was nowhere near the best part of this event. The best part of this event was the fact that this presentation embodied nearly all of the values of the GIP and demonstrated some of the main reasons I was interested in this program to begin with. She was able to establish multiple relationships with people around the globe and learn more about what they face day to day and how they see the world. However, not only did she learn from those speaking of their firsthand experiences, she then took that knowledge and spread it to those around her with the hopes of helping others see the world in a different light and make any future decisions with more wisdom behind them. On top of that is was great to see her passion for what she was doing and the ways in which she was changed for the better because of it. It is for the most part because of these reasons that I look forward to embracing whats to come as a result of this program, and am excited to see the ways in which I will grow over the next few months.
November 11, 2018 was the 100th year anniversary to the end of WWI, also known as Armistice Day. During this day an array of Global Leaders, Citizens, and Presidents gathered to honor those who had fallen during this war, as well as celebrate its end. The leaders stood shoulder to shoulder, hand in hand, and walked together in order to show a sense of unity between these nations. Yet, our President was nowhere to be seen. He along with the President of Russia both missed this show of unity. Something which is concerning especially with the President's recent comments about nationalism. This leads to the meetings second agenda which was to remind the Nations of the importance of working together to prevent such a devastating tragedy from re-occurring. The President of France specifically addressed this by making remarks, some of which were directed at President Trump's comments regarding his favoritism towards Nationalism. Nationalism is too often seen ...
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