Earlier this year I was able to take out time from my normal after school routine and attend Sophie Schleifer's capstone project, "Global Lenses.". Granted this happened a few months ago it has been in the back of my mind recently because it reminds me of what this program is all about. In a nutshell, what she had done was connected with students from around the world and received pictures from them which to some degree "depicted" aspects of their life. She then mapped them out and posted a short biography under each picture. While I personally enjoyed the cheese and crackers, that was nowhere near the best part of this event. The best part of this event was the fact that this presentation embodied nearly all of the values of the GIP and demonstrated some of the main reasons I was interested in this program to begin with. She was able to establish multiple relationships with people around the globe and learn more about what they face day to day and how they s...
2019 Global Scholars Cohort